Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And the days dwindle down

It is in the air. That feeling of soon to be autumn. Watching the kids walking to school, new backpacks, new school clothers, yellow school buses: all of that moves us into the new season of our life and our families. Gardens now heavy with produce remind us how blessed we are and how our own lives are heavy with produce. It's all good.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Well, that didn't last long.

So...The fella replacing Dad has quit and Dad is back to work full time again, until he can be replaced again. There is just no replacing that man is there? We will still take the days we had planned for Bear Lake and for Arizona. They have placed adds in their trade papers, and will be looking very hard, so hopefully this won't last too long--We won't let it last too long.

It is strange--so many people are out there looking for jobs, and we can't get rid of ours.