Saturday, December 8, 2007

Time in a bottle

Dad and I have spent the entire day together, and it feels like it has only been a few hours. How I wish time would drag on and on instead of melting away like sugar in hot water. Of course, it would help if we could move a little faster--but those days are over. Just the fact that we accomplish all that we do is a blessing. Dad shoveled all the driveway, I did laundry, mopped the kitchen floor, then we went grocery shopping, put it all away, fixed lunch, took a short nap, and now on to Christmas craft projects and lesson preparation for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

poor, poor hilary

What would I do with out the technical support of my kids? Hilary has been on the phone with me for 45 minutes setting up my new blog spot as i forgot, lost all my passwords or whatever for grandma behind bars blog spot. So here we go again.
It is a wonderful snowy day. Ron has been shoveling driveway--can't get the snowblower to work.
I have been here in my office all morning--Christmas music going, and getting paperwork organized.
Here is one of my favorite poems by John Updike for this wonderful season:

First snow! The flakes so few so light. Remake the world in solid white. All bundled up, we feel as if we are fat penguins, warm and stiff. Downtown the stores half split their sides, and mother brings home things she hides. Old carols peal. The dusk is dense. There is the mood of sweet suspense. The shepherds wait, the Kings, the tree--all wait for something yet to be. Some miracle. And then it's here, wrapped up in hope-----another year.