Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another day in prison

Vice Principal did my evaluation yesterday, and it was wonderful. Made me feel appreciated. However, I mentioned to him that some days I go home wondering what a nice girl like me is doing in a place like this. But, the best thing was just as he finished up an inmate came to my office door, and in front of the VP proclaimed her gratitude for me and how I have kept after her through the years of her in and outs at the prison. She was so grateful that I didn't let her take the low road, and whine on and on. Sometimes she thought I was being so harsh, and then it dawned on her that I cared about her welfare and maybe she just better start really applying herself. Now, her grades have improved, so has more self confidence, and feels really good about the future. I quickly advised her that she did all the work, but was happy to have been an effective cheerleader. When she left, the VP looked and me and said, "That is why a nice girl like you is in a place like this". Sometimes life just comes together perfectly.
Thanks to all my children for helping me hone my skills in the life skills department.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wake Up Little Pilgrims

Thanksgiving is soon upon us. Received an interesting e mail:

I'm thankful for:
The wife who says it's hot dogs tonight, because she is home with me and not out with someone else.
The taxes I pay because it means I am employed
The mess to clean after a party as it means I have been surrounded by friends.
The clothes that fit a little too snug as it means I have enought to eat
Windows that need cleaning, gutters that need fixing as it means I have a home
All the complaining I hear about the government as it means we have freedom of speech
My heating bill as it means I am warm--or almost
The lady behind me in Church who sings off key as it means I can hear.
The pile of laundry as it means I have clothes to wear.
The alarm that goes off in the mroning as it means I am alive
The crazy people I work with as they make work intersting to say the least.

Some things to think about, especially at this time of year.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Put on your dresses of yellow and gold

I am still wallowing in Autumn. Dad and I took a ride yesterday out into the west desert to hunt down some dead cedar/juniper trees to cut for fireplace logs. We got a nice load--the ride was lovely. The little mining town of Eureka is still something right out of the past. I remember one year, Grandma and Grandpa Bateman cut a Juniper tree and used it as their Christmas tree. It was a funny ole thing--but, as fragrant as could be. Glad Shayne is better--and yes, it the midst of the flu the blessings are still overwhelming--and now Hilary is ailing--Melissa is on the upswing, and Vynessa is trying to get 'something'. Keep saying your prayers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

let me try that again

These last few Autumn days, are a present pure and simple. They are summer's gift to us. My most favorite autumn memory is when I was conducting music for Primary in England, and I was asking the children what season it was when the nights get colder, and the leaves turn red and gold, and we can see our breath in the air. My Shayne shouted out "Deer Hunting Season"

Come little leaves said the wind one day. Come over the meadow with me to play. Put on your dresses of yellow and gold--summer is gone and the winter grows cold.

Autumn days

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No possible picture for this.

My life at my job today is beyond words and pictures. The wonderful part is that I am totally calm--have no power to change it so why get in a dither.

Halloween was a bust at my house. 16 kids is all--so by 8 p.m. I was taking a walk out in the parking lot--but that was just plain haunting as I could see the spirit of ole Murphy dog running out ahead of me, and the crazy cats--what were their names--sneaking along the brick wall.
Ah, ghosts of memories past.